My mind is jammed .. no creative juices for the “Pietism” Paper … 2 more days to go (my own deadline! Looking forward for tomorrow night 7pm .. yeah! (gotta call my friends later!) Wonder what’s gonna happen tonight at “Giving Tree”? hmmm… Missed lunch today .. hunger pangs? Pat on the back 10 mini-sit…
Day: June 24, 2003
Choices & Consequences
Last week, a fellow LiFE Group member said that “ACT 2 : The Fall” was the juicy bit of Griffin’s Article “STORY”. ACT 1 was on Creation. We’re supposed to talk about what Christian’s have traditionally called “the Fall” tonight. I’ve long given up just seeing it as a historical past event alone. I realized…
This prayer popped out from the JB Wesley Bulletin few Sundays ago when we were worshipping at KUKUP, Johor. It’s meant to be used before the Scripture readings and the Sermon. Well .. I just like it! “Lord, Open our hearts and minds by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that, as the Scriptures are…