From Lesslie Newbigin …
“The person of Jesus Christ is that ultimate reality whom I am finally committed with a commitment which is not negotiable.”
I think it was Todd Hunter who reminded me last year in a phone conversation that some issues are more about my own discipleship than leadership. Yeah … I’m first a follower of Christ before I’m a leader of anyone!
“For me, what you become depends on what you attend to. I treasure the time spent first thing each morning really listening to the Bible and reflecting on it. We must allow the Bible to shape our minds.”
Our minds are much more involved that some of us are willing to admit. It’s so easy to be distracted and attend to what’s immediate or what’s most troubling. Again and again listening to the Bible and reflecting on it has pulled me out of the pits … as well as straigthen out my thinking.
“Witness is not primarily something that we decide to do; it is something which happens when the Holy Spirit is in control.”
This one came just in time as I’m working through ACTS which one of my Council rightly reminded his LiFE Group is the main character of the book of Acts. And I believe the main character in my personal & BLC’s witness right now!
“The minister’s leadership of the congregation in its mission to the world will be first and foremost in the area of his or her own discipleship, in that life of prayer and daily consecration which remains hidden from the world but which is the place where the essential battles are either won or lost”
Spot on! Bulls eyes! Laser Focus!
And a prayer to wrap things up …
“Oh Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior, Friend and Brother, let me know you more clearly, love you more dearly, follow you more nearly day by day.” ~ Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester
hey, its interesting to note that the words of St. Richard of Chichester in the prayer are the words dc Talk used in their song, Day By Day… from the Jesus Freak album..