Daniel Teh’s comment when i stepped into the Luther House Worship Hall was that I looked like a Jedi Knight! I told him wait till you see the Jedi Council walks in .. hmmm wonder who’s Yoda?
I was delighted to see so many BLCians come, one or two I thought couldn’t make it but they were there … in fact together with some guests and my parents about 50 people and 10 kids came. Most of them stayed back for a simple lunch at the 4A house!
It was wonderful to see Dad and Mom witness this occassion. It means so much to me.
May Chin painted a wonderful picture by wearing the same dress she did for my graduation in STM. Gareth came in red as well … pictures coming soon! Adding to that, I was glad Bishop called them up so we could be prayed for as a family. Gareth was busy checking out the LCMS 50th Anniversary Pewter Cross I was wearing around my neck.
It was an honor to translate for Bishop’s Message in this occasion – he was talking about the cup of the new covenant of Christ highlighting ” the Gospel of forgiveness”, then moving to the Psamist’s call to lift up the cup of salvation focusing on “holding on strongly to our faith” and lastly alluding to Psalms 23 where the cup overflows closing with the challenge and comfort that many will be blessed through us!
The feeling is great … very much reminded of me of my STM graduation. Chin Hor asked in the Video Interview whether I felt a relief. Maybe in some ways honestly I must say YES! sure because it’s been after almost 6 years in ministry (excluding the 4 years in STM of course). But, like Baptism and my graduation it’s actually a beginning … a kind of NEW BEGINNING into another phase of the journey!
Significant numbers : it’s the 50th Anniversary of LCMS. It’s at the 27th Biennal Convention (I was born in 1972). It’s on 31st August (Malaysia’s National Day) … It’s really easy to remember the dates huh? But dates and numbers with meaning!
I’m physically totally knocked out but relaxed at least for now. Three days convention where I translated for most of the interactions (for Bishop and various reports). Phew … both in English & Chinese. Then working behind the scenes with Rev. Philip Lok was fun, good and yet tiring for the Worship Dinner Celebration on the 30th August at PGRM. Attended May Chin’s Friends’ wedding dinner last night.
Jessisca called all the way to wish me from FRANCE! Now that was a delightful surprise .. I appreciated that.
Rev. Victor & Kelly – such an honor! The words they penned in a special card touched us tremendously just like the friendship they offer to us unconditionally! Thanks!
The NCD fellas +spouses gave me a special dinner the week before and it’s the appreciation and the words in the card as well that lifted my spirit again and again!
Numerous gifts & cards from BLCians also made the day even more special. Good experience love and care + kindness from the sheep as well!
some “visions” & “actions” emerging after the convention …. & ordination 🙂
Nothing actually changed “ontologically” (in substance) – I’m still the same in many ways … functionally & responsibility & also opportunity maybe there’s some change … but the whole process of Ordination propels me to deepn my quest for authentic humanity, a vibrant spirituality and catalytic ministry. Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy!)
more later …
What a wonderful occasion for you. I was thrilled to hear that everything went so well for you and you family.