Tita has grown to be a good friend from the Lutheran World Federation specifically YICAS (Youth In Church And Society). … and she is Gareth’s International God-Mother!
She’s from such a different context that I come from and I really appreciate that. I think one thing we have in common is the willingness to ask questions. Answering them well is another matter. Here’s a few she sent me … that got me filing them up for “soon-future” thinking. Maybe others in this conversation can give some input.
1. How do we shape our theology and spritual life in a struggle away from a colonized mind/environment?
2. Neo-economic globalization has imposed on us (the south and some easter Europe countries) a new way of colonization. How does the emerging Asian theology fit into this context?
3. Do you know some young and not so young pastors in the South in search of a post-colonial spirituality? Or is there really no escape but to “copy” what the North is doing.
4. The center of Christianity is moving away from the North much more from the US, how could we contribute or prepare or act (cannot think of an appropriate respond yet) for this phenomenon?