Ok last post for today … I got linked to these qualities and traits helpful from an article “In Search of Servant Leadership” (which actually is part of BLC core values, i.e. godly Servanmt Leadership) … I liked his take on followers too .. we’re always both! 20 Qualities of a Leader by Larry Matthews…
Day: September 13, 2003
Lord, make me a channel of disturbance Where there is apathy, let me provoke Where there is compliance, let me bring questioning Where there is silence, may I be a voice Where there is too much comfort and too little action, grant disruption Where there are doors closed and hearts locked, great willingness to listen…
pre-CONFESSIONS: Coming Out of the Closet ?!
Don’t worry I’m not a homosexual (practicing or non-practising). Though a recent question from a younger man sparked me to refine my responses on this issue. It’s been quite a season. The Father’s House Renovation, Teachin at AYALI, facilitating a workshop at the SUFES youth worker’s conference, wedding dinners (I love them because I get…