Got this from my bedtime reading book, New Thinking for the New Millennium by Edward De Bono because I felt I was overdosing myself with Theology, so try something not so “Christian” for a change … and it was fun. I got back to this book on “thinking” because I was reminded in the “Ecclesiology…
Day: November 21, 2003
Communicating Change
Communicating the process of change and where to go from here is much harder than I thought. I take my hat off to how Cedar Ridge Community Church did it in the light of Brian D. McLaren’s growing role to the wider Christians community. The caption put up was this: The Church was not created…
I Have Only Today
My Life is an instant. An hour which passes by; My life is a moment Which I have no power to stay. You know, O my God, That to love you here on earth – I have only today. ~ Therese of Lisiux Therese is famous for her “Little Way” of prayer in which she…