My mind is in turbo-reflecting mode. So, i felt that putting some comment suggestions and proposed revisions for little bits in the draft statement for the conference would be therapeutic!
Jason posted an interesting link on “Emerging churches in post-Christendom”. I feel what I’m going through here is focusing my journey as a pastor in “Emerging churches in post-western Christianity in Asia” (more specifically Malaysia). And there’s so much constructive thinking needed and creative proposals that would make a difference. At times in the conference I feel totally overwhelmed by the enormosity of the the task laid before us. I also realized that the Asian & African church is also largely absent in the discussion in the “emerging church” movement. I believe that would surely enrich all parties. A more global view of World Christianity surely is unpresidented and yet critical in these times.
when I was flipping through A History of Christianity in Asia: Beginnings to 1500 by Samuel Hugh Moffett during tea break this morning, I was struck by this two words “hidden” & “history” – i.e. how Asian christian history is largely hidden from Christians. In many ways, I know more about history of Christianity in the west more than my own historical heritage. I’m thankful now things are changing. Here’s a mini OMF article “2000 years of Christianity in Asia” to start off!
I hope this generation won’t make the same mistake in our pilgrimage until the final appearing of Jesus and the last day! The words of the OMF article encouraged me.
“The gospel has been proclaimed in Asia for at least 17 centuries. It could be that in the 21st century we’ll see an indigenous and culturally-Asian Christianity at last beginning to transform the whole of Asia, as many become citizens of heaven.”