I’ve been waiting for his concluding remarks and then read the rest of what he’s written in relation to Peter Ward’s book Liquid Church. Anyway, here’s the closing remarks: “There is a boldness in Ward’s vision that intrigues and fascinates me. I find myself wanting to run with this creative view of the church’s future….
Day: February 16, 2004
Time to Forget … & to Concentrate …
got this quote via Maggi Dawn: “12 years ago, Tom Wright wrote, “It is time to forget evangelicalism and concentrate on the gospel; to forget catholicism and concentrate on the church and its mission; to forget liberalism and concentrate on clear thinking; to forget the charismatic movement and invoke the Spirit of the living God…
GOD Bless the Church
Thanks Duanne Cottrell for this (in his words) personal manifesto.
Godless atheist? from S’pore
I some how got linked to http://www.singaporeatheist.com/ because of his rant about a Singaporean lady-pastor who’s shot to stardom lately. Reading his “my background” page struck me … with what’s going on in his mind. And it makes me wonder “how” I would relate to him if he’s sitting in front of me right now,…
Project Petaling Street
While it’s a joy to be connected to what’s happening globally, what’s happenign locally is equally important. GLOCAL is a good word! Checking this out!
Public Space and Blog Space
“Yet I get nervous when I regularly read how people are seeing this as their substitute for gathering, and church.” ~ for more read here I appreciate his concern, here’s my comments: I get nervous too … because the fact remains that many of the 40-50 people who are somehow part of our church are…