David Berry will be passing on his “cooking-kung-fu” to willing students in the coming months. For now, I’m totally “knocked out” by the dish he so kindly left for me his pastor 🙂
persevered through another “not-so-happening” Bangsar Toastmaster’s meeting, like all organizations there are ups and downs. My visit to the Money Mastery Toastmasters’ club was quite different. There’s nothing to compare but much raw material to reflect upon. Enjoyed being the Grammarian though … good for active listening practice!
need to do some message prep work before I sleep … hope to get a head start. This “Jerusalem” word has been floating in my head the whole day. Must be the picture and scripture I posted this morning.
wonderful time with a “friend” as he prefers to be called today. The hot chocolate was good but the conversations were even better.
removed a programme from the notebook in the evening, now having problems re-installing it. Opps …
looking forward to read Lewis Smedes spiritual Memoir tonight before I sleep. Cost me RM71 (it’s hard cover) from MPH 1 Utama. But, he’s blessed me so much with his writings i just wanted to know the man behind the books.
glad you enjoyed it, am looking forward to having some fun with the sessions now that I have accepted all this comes from God and not me I am more willing to share than keep Chef’s secrets hehe