Had a wonderful time with May Chin & Gareth at Bangsar Shopping Centre a while ago. May Chin bought me my long awaited new swimming shorts and Gareth just enjoyed himself pushing the empty shopping trailer. But it’s really the buying and spending that matters. It’s the simple “being with” that makes a difference. Amazing…
Day: March 4, 2004
faces to faces
this is shot when I was showing different faces of Jesus, GOD would be looking at our faces as well …
The Gathering Storm
Dark clouds roll over Blair, Neb., on May 9, 2003, bringing thunder and flashes of lightning. ~ another one from Best Photos of 2003
Random Thoughts in front of the TV
Malaysian elections coming … what can we expect? what am I going to do? can’t stand this Malaysian David Letterman-pirated-copy on TV. aiyo! not funny … a lot of effort nd planning ahead is needed to get myself ready for the trip to Germany and hopefully a visit to UK (we’ll see…) I’m pretty happy…