Got a suprising email from my seminary teacher Dr. Hwa Yung (whose the present director for the Centre for the study of Christianity in Asia) whom I highly respect, and a load of other replies earlier which I felt sharpened my thinking in the areas of Postmodernism, Asian Christianity, my interaction with those in Emergent or the emerging church conversation.
I wonder whether it was the right decision to decline the scholarship offer to study in Singapore (while shuttling back to Malaysia during weekends for 10 months!). But then again, timing is crucial.
Physically weaker nowadays with this flu still lingering … I think my mind and heart have been active but the rest of the body hasn’t been well taken care of. If i’m gonna do this in the long run, I better do something about it. For now … sleep earlier! And drink more water … hmmm as for Potatos .. a-hem … or chips to be precise.
Glad the Asian Lutheran Leadershp conference responsibilities is sorted out more on paper, and it’s how it’ll work in practice.
Not too happy that I had to miss my appointment with someone whom I’m gearing up to “coach” or “mentor” or “encourage” … but I’ll make up for it somehow.
Off to pick up Gareth and have some fathe and son time … while figuring out how am I gonna survive this weekend … finishe part two of the message on proverbs, do a session on See through the scriptures, translate from 9am-12.30pm for a church management seminar (phew!), wedding dinner tomorrow night … maybe another dinner on Sunday (might have to decline that one), I’m only human …:-)
You know you should slow down … one day soon
(Ok, I know I should slow donw as well 🙂 I hope that this will hpapen in a deliberate way from July 04 …