I enjoy this Father-Son bonding we’ve had these past week and especially today. Just me and my (opps! our) son! I’m a one day HOME ARTIST today (not good at home making), so I suppose my poetic try will somehow emerge into a mini-masterpiece.
May Chin got him a really cool TUB TIME waterproof book (hey! we aren’t pressurizing him … he loves books like his dad!) and he was trying to say “DINO!” which is the dinosaur bathing in the book!
I feel quite an accomplishment everytime I can get him to sleep (twice actually today), both May Chin and I find him to be easily awakened by noise or little disturbances. He needs the sleep … so do we!
Lunch was fun today, while I dunno how to “make” a meal properly .. the all in one packet May Chin “left behind” (*grin*) was good enough and Gareth enjoyed his meal with his usual smile. Mission accomplished again!
Just came back from a ride actually, visited bookstores , passed back some keys to someone, bought bread back home, … a full day so far … time flies.
Gareth woke up! fvbkrbvilebv n nnfnbrnb … (a bit of panic indicated by the gibberish typing)
no worries .. everything under control!
I like to think of this as centering care *grin*