I thought the title was pretty engaging … a brief skim through the article had some statements that caught my attention. Some food for thought, the business world often pushes us to think further 🙂 or at least know what people are thinking so we’re more aware *grin* All in all … my favorite part…
Day: June 21, 2004
“Open Source” Planning
I found the Emergent Convention Planning Blog to be a wonderful way of “eavesdropping” and “peeking” into the whole process of planning an “event” or “Learning Space” so others can be introduced to new ideas, refined in existing reflections, or challenged in other ways, etc. As one who’s in a traditional denominational education commitee setting…
A Pregnancy Cannot Be Hid
With two new births the last few weeks and two more coming, the whole “image” of pregnancy is just too glaring for me not to ignore. Thanks Christ Erdman for a great follow up post A Pregnancy Cannot Be Hid | From Acceptance to Martyrdom? Here’s the second paragraph to wet your appetite: ___________________________ I…