I can’t recall where I got the link (but thanks anyway!) I’ve read some of the free downloads and found them helpful to sharpen my own thinking on these matters. Here’s a quote to help get a gist of what’s in the book …
“…what if the Church faced up to its fears, stepped down into the dark valleys and began to consider completely new ways of being? What if it explored the possibility of adopting an evolutionary – rather than a revolutionary – approach to change?”
The Transcript of an email conversation between Kester (the author of the book) and Ryan Bolger, Assistant Professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, covering the origins of Vaux, leadership and complexity gives some useful background and context where this book is coming from.
As I seek to explore what Emergent-Malaysia can spark or serve as a catalyst, and how all this works in a local church context such as Bangsar Lutheran Church (which is connected and part of a so called institutional denomination), this whole idea of “evolutionary” approach to change is a good thing. Plus, we in Malaysia have not really experienced what people term as “revolutions” in our historical contexts anyway (though some might have tried) …. hmmm … brain juices bubbling …