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Month: February 2005
Thanks DJ Chuang for the link.
Random Links 16
43 Things Stumbled on this last week. Raised the question once again, “What do you want to do with your life?” The Passion of Hotel Rwanda Ok I REALLy want to see this movie! What is Practical Theology? Part I & Part II For me, being theological and practical though maybe distinguished at times should…
A Brotherly Critique and Response
I asked a local Christian bookstore this week when is A Genereous Orthodoxy arriving (since I asked them to bring in at least 20 copies – more than 4-5 friends would want a copy immediately). I was surprised by the answer. We need to wait for the second printing – no stock!!! I guess those…
Writing, Publishing & Printing
There’s more to Joel than globetrotting through the ministry of Servlife huh ?… he’s a juggler too! Joel Vestal was in town this week to see what can be done to get his book printed. It’s been a very good learning experience for me as well as I sat with him during the discussions with…
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A national spotlight shines on local pastor (via Stephen Shields) who said a “local” pastor can’t have “regional” or even “global” influence? 🙂 we’re in a GLOCAL world aren’t we? … even if not totally Beyond Bullets I kind of “intuitively” was moving this direction … this guy really takes it deeper and further. Blink…
Church: What do you long for?
I found Brother Maynard’s attempt to put into words his longing in this post “to clarify this journey” resonating with much of what I’ve been going through especially coming to April this year will be five years. I’m praying that Bangsar Lutheran Church will see God moving in our midst as we explore similar themes…
Unsung Sages
The first time I met Michael Lee was when I was a Christian Fellowship president in a secondary school at one of the Scripture Union camps. Strangely, we managed to connect more the last few months and especially the last few weeks as I rethink and re-do the children’s ministry. He was the first to…
The Blogs Must Be Crazy
… or maybe bloggers must be crazy? Check what Peggy Noonan has to say:
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THE POLITICS OF JESUS : An Anabaptist Understanding Of The New Testament (via Prodigal Kiwi) a simplified summary of John H. Yoder’s classic book by Nathan Hobby with James Patton. I need to watch book spending … summaries help to delay the purchases for a short while 🙂 born again? we talked about the John…