This is a picture I took on Saturday and wow! she’s already 11 days old.
Today, May Chin “moved out of the box” of common Chinese practice and decided to come for Sunday Worship with Elysia. (In most cases, even for Chinese Christians – mothers after giving birth would stay at home for at least a one month “confinement”.)
Personally, I’d like to see these two months more like “nourishment” than “confinement” for May Chin. I think there’s value in the rest and adjustment time. But we felt that a strictly “cannot get out of the house” rule is too “legalistic 🙂
I was delighted to have Elysia join us for Palm Sunday worship today.
Handling two kids now is indeed a challenge – with Gareth turning three in October and the new born. We’re learning day and night how all this can work out. Everyday there are new lessons to ponder and fresh discoveries.
On my personal end, I totally agree with those who’ve gone before me and gave me sincere words of advice or preparation. This is especially true on the amount of energy that’s needed from a one child family to a two child family. I appreciate their wisdom, in fact it does help.
I’m also glad the last Sunday and next Sunday the timing is good for me as I managed to get two guest speakers for the Sunday Worship Gatherings. I’m looking forward for the Holy Week where I find myself able to just “freeze” my time for more personal contemplation. Now with this major adjustment, spirituality really takes on a fresh look with very human needs in front of me daily.
Well, it’s already coming to 12 days .. and it’s still a long way to go.
She is the cutest:~)
She is absolutely delicate in real life with real long limbs and fingers 🙂
Just saw that Eliana Joy means “God has answered with joy” as well!
How nice to have more flowers in the BLC garden!!
I thought it was great that the girls came for worship, we think that this is a time when you need to be in communion with the spirit and that fits the nourishment criteria nicely
Thanks for all of the pictures, Sivin. I am really enjoying this story of your life. 🙂
Hey Sivin, you know my wife read an article in the Reader’s Digest where they interviewed a Chinese Traditional Medicine Doctor and a Regular Western Doctor together, and the Chinese doctor himself, concurred with the western doctor that the idea of confinement is unscientific superstition. So I shall follow in your footsteps man, and liberate my wife when she gives birth in May.