someone asked me about the Apocrypha last night … I realised though I had some basic answer and reponse which I think is ok – my historical and content details are very rusty (*grin*). I think many of the new Christians who come to our church have asked this before why there are more books…
Month: April 2005
Hi! Sally … Elysia’s new friend
It’s rare for Mama May Chin to come out with something creative like this naming … this little pink bear – Sally! It’s a cute gift given by our German friends and suits Elysia just nice. Elysia has been growing healthy and fine. It’s been quite an adjustment but very much rewarding in all aspects!…
New Monasticism
Thanks Prodigal Kiwi for the link … and introducing the book. I’ve always been facinated by the monastic movement in the early church. Now it’s interesting to see how this New Monasticism plays its role for church and society today. Walking through these 12 marks will prove challenging and life changing: 1) Relocation to the…
Comments on Emerging Church or Emergent
I’ve been leaving comments quite a bit lately on other people’s blogs .. I thought I’d just share some while linking the original posts. On A Question of Church (1) while I was driving to work today .. my mind was thinking about how all this may translate in Malaysia. Karen does wonderful job highlighting…
Random Links 35
Systematic Theology: Volume 3 by Wolfhart Pannenberg (book review) I was glancing through some parts of chapters on church which is indeed substantial while putting Gareth to sleep. I thought might as well read a review by Robert Jenson to get a broad feel … Wolfhart Pannenberg: God the Spirit – and Natural Science Some…
Random Thoughts at 12:07pm onwards
It’s been quite a fruitful two days. Yesterday I had a chance to sit through some lectures on “Preaching Prophetic Narratives” by Princeton Prof. Seow which as always was insighful – he worked through passages from 1 Kings 19-21 and 2 Kings 5 and I felt it helped me appreciate good exegetical work combined with…
The Emerging Church: The Old Church Made New
Thanks DJ Chuang for this article by Tim Dearborn, The Emerging Church: The Old Church Made New. It’s encouraging to read from a western American perspective how the emerging church in Asia, Africa and Latin America can impact American Christianity. So, has the age of genuine, level, equal conversation and partnership begun? I suppose both…
Good Job! 1st Day at “School”
I felt really proud of Gareth today on his first day at “school” (actually it’s nursery …). We went scouting around the other day .. and managed to find three church related kindergartens. Each has their uniqueness. One was very small, the other that has lots of space and one more pretty sophisticated. This brings…
Random Links 35
The ‘Not Jesus’ Videos I’m downloading them now … thanks for the links from Conrad Gempf Hangin’ with Mr Hunter I really miss those phone calls, Todd! Thanks anyway. Every single one helped me move forward … Internet Archive (Movie Archive) I’ll go crazy …. Graphical view of Biblical narrative timeline (via Pat Loughery again)…
The Church on the Other Side
Reinventing the Church around 1999 I knew I wanted to get the book (especially after reading a favourable review from NEXT WAVE) . So my friend Daniel got it from