April 1, 2000 … that’s when Bangsar Lutheran Church was born (or re-born).
wow! how time flies! Thank you Lord … it’s been quite a journey. We’re still learning what it means to be pilgrims on a journey on a narrow road. We’re still grasping the challenges and opportunities as pioneers in some way. We’re trusting the Spirit to graciously lead us as a people of God here and now with a view of the future.
As I began reading Constants in Context: A Theology of Mission for Today tonight. The following words leap out on p.10,
After “jumping first” and “fearing later” the past five years, somehow the words above really resonate with me … at least that’s where I am now. Indeed, how gradually and painfully the truth of allowing the “beyond ourselves” bit really take root in my life. It does put BLC’s birthday today in Biblical perspective for which I think is needful and I’m grateful.