it’s been a tough week .. coughing, sneezing and now stomach ache … I really hope I’ll be able to pull through this coming week … in one piece – kyrie eleison.
we had an enjoyable semi-formal combined LiFe Group today .. simple food – just Satay, fried rice, Pizza, Hokkien Mee, Mangoes. Lai-chee+100plus Drinks, fried fishballs and sausages … used had very fruitful conversations on “Learning” – spinning off to topics on Mentoring, styles of learning and the difference between knowledge and wisdom. The kids were having a good time .. and it was good to connect with newer as well as older friends.
I’m glad I survived this morning’s talk/message for Full Gospel Assembly Youth event “Just guys”. physically it was hard as I stuggled with a weak body. A youth came up to me later and encouraged me that he felt God speaking to him 🙂 and his time here was worthwhile. I remember coming to this church as a youth with May Chin for a youth conference so it was quite a feeling to now come as a speaker.
Preparing for the message tomorrow has been nourishing … and I found the notes by Brian P. Stoffregen and Richard Donovan both affirming and helpful.
I feel a little better now … and hope to finish off final preparations for the 2 day Chinese speaking youth camp with a bunch of about 30 youths. I’ll be cutting down on this kind of engagement for the second half of the year. It’s a Lutheran camp so I’d like to do my bit … but I’m finding myself stretching a little too much nowadays. Time to readjust for more long term health and effectiveness.
This means practicing how to say “no” nicely – seek for better ways to achieve our common goals together … REALLY looking forward for a holiday soon.