The Loss of Future Part 1-pdf
The Loss of Future Part 2-pdf
With a line like this, “There is, by the same token, no such thing as a purely private morality, for the morals of private citizens are public in effect, and are increasingly so. I’ll read on.
Christian leader stabbed to death
To think that this happened in the context of a prayer service is shocking! Brother Roger has impacted me not just by Taize music (which is often a starting point), but also by existence of such an “alternative” community.
“Liberating the core of goodness” – A conversation with Paul Ricœur
Ricoeur’s name popped up in some conversations recently …
Blessing the Bombs: The Hiroshima Bombers’ Chaplain Faces Christ
The link was sent to me via email … and since I spent a big chunk of my time with a retired Catholic priest … plus the word “non-violence” in the mail drew me to read this.