This is a “nice one” (in May Chin’s words) after the wedding of Kevin and Olivia (that’s why we are all dressed up even with my robes and latin american multi-colour stole! *grin*)… It’s pretty rare for us to get a “full” family photo nowadays … so this latest one is precious. We got some nice background too.
That’s a VERY nice jedi-robe, brother. And to think you actually even STOLE it. 😉
yes ps, it really looks nice 🙂
enjoyed playing with Elysia today, she looks so relaxed in this pic but in fact she is very alert and responsive in life !
The children grow up so fast, don’t they? Glad to see you guys are doing well. Good hope to you and yours, Sivin.
sivin,would really like to meet you and your family one day. you kids look so cute and lovely 🙂
the background lacks lighting 🙂 it looks a little like studio photo now 🙂
but cool family photo i must say. 😉
wahlau ~ This shot is taken by a friend (church member) with my Canon A70. I wonder how it would have fared if it was taken in black and white or perhaps without flash? thanks for dropping by.
Tom ~ they REALLY do grow fast and offer one Surprise after another (with stuggles in between) 🙂
DB ~ Indeed, the alertness & relaxness tickles me and gets me to keep these two elements in check for myself.
Will ~ so good to hear from you … how’s life? and any news on Amahoro?
Chia ~ thanks.
SK ~ why are you running around with your light saber and not with your robes? 🙂
*I sounded like Napoleon Dynamite…