It’s always nice when Elysia has a good sleep 🙂 and when she’s awake she can put on those cool shades again.
I was pretty amused and somewhat intrigued to land up in some one’s dream
I felt though as usual less than perfect we had a fruitful Emergent Malaysia Open Meeting yesterday. I enjoyed reading how another person felt about the meeting and what he got out of it here.
It’s interesting how EMO seems to becoming a “label” when I originally just wanted a catchy way to say “Emergent Malaysia Open” Meeting … thus EMO meeting .. 🙂 I told Alwyn perhaps it could also stand for Emergent Malaysia Oddballs!
It was good to catch up a little with Tom from Covenant Players who performed with Phil at our church worship gathering today. The last time we met was 4 years ago… he’s travelled all over the place, I’ve done so mentally i think!
Hope to catch some breath before I head off to the National Conference 2005 organized by the FES. Looking forward to see familiar faces and get to know new ones. I hear there’ll be quite a big group for my 1 and half hour workshop A9 – “Passionate Pursuit: getting passionate with God. pitfalls and stepping stones.” Check out their brochure (familiar colours huh?)!
Will be interesting to meet another contractor for the toilet renovations for the church premises tomorrow and yes … a replacement session for two couples planning to get married. Then on Tuesday, Bishop called for a last minute meeting with the pastors in the morning 😛
I’m craving for chips again …
Elysia is soooooo cute :p. i carried her today. 😀