I REALLY enjoyed doing the low tech notes (above) for the FES National conference workshop.
nice to get an email to reconnect with Bangsar.net.my again.
Got some refreshing rest today … the rain was good.
Happy to have more progress on my messages for next week’s TRAC Methodist YOUTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME sessions. this is my second year with them I’m honored. The book of Daniel is awesome … the narratives are captivating!
The album from jars of clay I’m listening to right now is pretty good … hope to teach some songs some day.
I’m learning the discipline of silence and non-self justification …
It’s going to be quite a weekend … tomorrow council meeting, Rumah Hope kids play & telematch morning on saturday then wedding in the afternoon where I’m suppose to sing a song, Sunday preaching at another Lutheran church and conduct communion, then off to Port Dickson.
After that there’s another line up of stuff … and I’ve got lots of movies to catch up on … 🙂
lots and lots of reading to catch up .. bills that need to be cleared .. unfinished home matters too … looking forward for a family holiday (likely after Christmas).