Coming back after preaching at Taman Midah Lutheran Church was wonderful when I saw Elysia with her special hair band. I know the joy of this new comer to our church who’s carrying her in the picture above. In fact, I felt double joy!
I found myself speaking straight from the heart as a guest speaker this morning and “celebrated the Eucharist” (or conduct Holy communion) with a clear sense of the presence of Christ amongst us. Tweaked their liturgy a bit … but that’s ok.
It’s nice and affirming when this little blog gets mentioned here 🙂
Oh yes … DB’s presentation on yesterday’s event was extremely beautiful .. his selection of music was – what shall I say ? – classic? 🙂 I could see some effort put in there.
I was also delighted to see some of the kids doing a dance with the Ipoh girls and Su Shen presumably somethins for Christmas!
Watching some of the BLC members and especially newcomers practice their Chinese for the Old Folks home Christmas carolling and visit was also a nice highlight for me.
It’s great just to see everyone being involved in a way without being over busy and what’s more important is a genuine happiness and smile in all this.
Wonder how this Google Adsense will work – extra money for getting new books is good. I will wait and see.
Had a short decent nap today.
Just came back from a Chinese wedding dinner …
Had an interesting inter-religious conversation with someone across the dinner table – topics ranged from the Holy Spirit, the Prophet Muhammad, Bible translations, Ahmad Deedat (a name I havent heard for some time. Just googled and discovered this response to him), Dead Sea Scrolls, etc. Fascinating …
listened to some vocal presentations … I felt the last minute closing song by the bride the best – and it’s kind of like a wonderful climax preparing us for Christmas … She sang “Silent Night, Holy Night!”.