Life lost over RM4,000
My deepest condolences to the family of Strudels Café manager Azman Khairuddin. This news is even more shocking to me personally as I drive past the Café almost every day.
Pelita Hati House of Art
Spent some time there this after noon. It’s across the road of the Father’s house (our church premises). The conversation with the owner was REALLY good.
Parliament speech: MCA Youth stands by Loh Seng Kok
So what does it mean to Respectfully engage each other as fellow citizens who have concerns?
Kingdom Confusion: Is the quest for political power destroying the church?
Kingdom Confusion 2: The danger of believing in a Christian America
Greg Boyd is no stranger to controversy. To have about 1000 people leave his church now that’s something that needs attention.
15 Best Skylines in the World
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is no. 8. Cool.
The Inerrancy of Scripture
Kevin Vanhoozer works towards keeping the terms “inerrancy” and “infallibility”.
thoughts on inerrancy
Interesting response to a blog series I’ve been following which closed with this summary podcast (where I get mentioned once! heheh).