Getting Your Numbers Right
This would have been helpful in a number of conversations I had the last three days at the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore Pastors and leaders retreat 😛
Simple Things You Can Do Right Now To Jumpstart Your Writing Efforts
so much common sense truth here.
Dealing With Our Differences
Was reminded of this during a yahoo chat especially when “liberal” is used liberally for descriptive purposes!
da Vinci Talking Points
these are those who would still like to talk about the issues raised DVC. that’s ok.
The Semi-Pelagian Narrower Catechism
Is Jesus the Answer or the Question?: rediscovering the role of mystery in our faith
There’s so much mess that needs to meet with the Mystery … and in the process we arrive to some meaning … perhaps not so much of arriving, but sparked to embark on greater meaning?
Free of Charge: Review and Interview with Miroslav Volf
At first I thought the book was free of charge 🙂