Why I Kissed Calvinism Good-bye
I never seriously dated Calvinism. I admit having some admiration but it’s mostly been from a distance.
Bonhoeffer is a total Rock Star
What a cool title! Interesting quote here which made me think a little more: “By now Bonhoeffer had observed Christians and others, finding, as he said, that it was easier to talk about God with unbelievers than with Christians. One is reminded of the answer given by Jurgen Moltmann to the question, “are you, then, a Universalist?” to which as a good Calvinist he had to say “No!”, but he added, “I sometimes suspect that God is.””
The Rise of Neo-Fundamentalism 2
I’m following Scot’s series closely:
“Here’s my thesis: the core driving force of Neo-Fundamentalism (like the old) is a remnant mentality. That is, it believes the following:
1. That it alone remains true to the fullness of the gospel and the orthodox faith.
2. That the Church worldwide is hanging on a precipice and will soon, if it doesn’t wake up, fall from the faith.
3. That the solution to this nearly-apocalyptic church situation is to tighten up theological stands and clarify what is most central and most important for the Church today.
4. That the major problems are theological drift, church laxity, and evangelical compromise with either modernity and/or postmodernity.
5. That it is “Neo” because it arises within Evangelicalism today and will either break from it or seek its widespread reform — and therefore its particular characteristics are determined by contemporary Evangelicalism. E.g., it isn’t really concerned about dancing and movies and “mixed bathing.””
Sent a Letter Lately?
Nope. But after reading this I should!