Globalization and the Rise of Religion (October 12, 2006) – mp3 from APM: Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett
“Experts once predicted that as the world grew more modern, religion would decline. Precisely the opposite has proven true. Two leading thinkers, Boston University sociologist Peter Berger and Harvard Business School’s Rosabeth Moss Kanter, discuss why religion of all kinds is increasingly shaping discussions of world politics and the global economy and political order.” I think I’ll be listening to this on my way to Broga on Monday 🙂
hear the voice
This is SO SO REALLY FANTASTICALLY exciting … and good. Hope we get it here faster to Malaysia. We could also do a “contextualized” version, that’s another story.
Station of the Cross – swf
one resource I could use next year.
I was supposed to do a separate list of links for all things “emergent” or “emerging church”. But this was too good to wait. Makes me want to return back to reading the book. I love the phrase “The Original Revolution.”
Diana Butler Bass: ‘What if the Amish were in charge of the war on terror?’
A Conversation with Dick Staub (HT: Len)
The following is enough to make you want to read and reflect more : “As film becomes our common language and Christian communicators desire to connect with today’s audience, it is understandable that the use of film clips is on the rise. Unfortunately there is a cloud in this silver lining.
1) If the Church was creative instead of imitative, we would be “creating” contemporary media instead of piggybacking on and exploiting media created by others.
2) Because so much of contemporary media is mindless, we see superficial movies being used in churches to communicate truths that are deep and timeless; this can have a trivializing effect on faith.
3) Too often having demonstrated our inability to exegete the Bible, resorting to proof texts, we’ve now expanded our incompetence to incompetent interpretation and applications of filmic texts. The majority of evangelicals are driven by the redemptive mandate not the mandate of creation, so they see film as an evangelistic tool more than an artistic expression. I am encouraged that a remnant of mostly younger Christians are seeing film for the art first … may their numbers multiply.”
imagination and God’s future..
Love the Einsten opening quote.
Emotional Life of Jesus
I had an interesting exhange with a local Malaysian OT scholar on the subject of reason, emotions and rationality, etc. That’s why this caught my attention. An “emo” Jesus (with necessary qualifiers of course!)? 🙂
love your excerpt of dick staub on film! talking about film in a critical/intelligent manner is almost like speaking in a different language. it’s certainly a different way of “seeing”! i’m not very good at it myself, but i’ve read enough to know when some folks talk about film in a sentimental way that diminishes the message of the gospel or whatever it is they’re trying to relate it to. would love to hear/see more from christians who are talking about film well.
z, for me, watching a good film (even if it’s uncomfortable, controversial or even commercial) helps me to get in touch with the authentic humanity, or the questions very often directors are trying to get at and articulate through their films. They can serve as useful raw material or “reflected”/interpreted pieces for critical engagement. As a Christian, I feel we need not fear entering conversations where it’s not at our comfort zone. I’m open to be suprised by the “other” trusting that God is at work even in our not-so-spiritual conversations 🙂