It’s almost 27 days away from home … 🙂 I’m back from a nice dinner with Thomas Paulsteiner, the East Asia representative and contact for Division for World Mission Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (World Mission ELCB). The food was good (as usual) and the conversations helpful to slowly bring the whole time I’ve spent in Germany to a gradual close.
It’s time to go back to Malaysia tomorrow. I’m thankful to have the last “assignment” to be at Lauf’s Christuskirche Sunday morning contemporary worship service. It REALLY felt the closest to what I’m used to at Bangsar Lutheran Church (perhaps it’s God’s way of preparing my “transition” back to Malaysia). Pastor Thomas Hoffman has become from an initial contact to a close friend. I’ve even recorded him playing drums (which is very good in my opinion) but that will be for another time where I have more energy. 🙂
I feel I need to wind down a little now. There will still be a morning devotion tomorrow with an evaluation and discussion afterwhich will be a farewell lunch. Then packing and off I go to Nuremburg Airport back to KLIA via Amsterdam. There are a few songs which has caught my attention during my visits and stay here. This one which is based on “the Lord’s Prayer” is one of those memorable ones. I thought I’d post it up to close the evening. In many ways, I believe my time here has been one way to allow the truth and reality of this prayer to be embodied and expressed in all I am, all I say and all I do … in small unofficial ways and in more focused programmed ways too. But this is more then about my experiences, it’s about how God is working still in his own way to see his Kingdom come in respective situations in Germany and Bavaria specifically. When all is said and done, the focus is still on his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven … and we should start by being grateful that we can have a part in this process. Looks like I will return to blogging either in the Amsterdam Airport or back home in Kuala Lumpur. for now a prayer … “Our Father …”
[The Lord’s Prayer in Song Video]
(The Lord’s Prayer in German)
Vater Unser im Himmel,
Geheiligt werde dein Name,
Dein Reich komme,
Dein Wille geschehe,
wie im Himmel so auf Erden.
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute.
Und vergib uns unsere Schuld,
wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern.
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen.
Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft
und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.