This is funny:
“… New Perspective on Paul Scholar: Rather than earning God’s blessing, it is established on the basis of our covenant courtship (I asked your dad to date you didn’t I?) which requires the proper response of an intentional and deliberate pursuit of marriage. Yet there is no such pursuit, therefore God’s blessing on or relationship is no longer maintained.
… Lutheran: I want our relationship to continue, but first there are a few things about you that God wants to change. Here is a list of 95 that I made. What? OK, then, I guess we’re done.”
Being faithful, being missional
This is good when read together with morning coffee and listening to Indian sounding music:
“It’s hard to be Christians in today’s culture, for lots of reasons. We’re going to look at how culture shapes us and affects us in various ways. The challenge is not only how can we be faithful Christians in our culture, but how we can be missional Christians to our culture. Being faithful means that we live out the Christian faith in the midst of our culture, that we’re true to what Jesus has called us to be. Being missional means that it’s not just about us, but that we’re intentional about looking outward, influencing others and society.”
The Clergy Shirt & My Pastoral Identity
Over an evening cup of tea one day, a new friend found out that I am a pastor. He asked me, “Where is your clergy collar?”. My immediate reply smiling is, “Oh it’s invisible …” We both laughed together.
Postmodernity as Good News for the Church
David Fitch takes on a helpful approach here …
“My goal here is not to dazzle with postmodern analysis (couldn’t do it if I tried). Rather I wish to use postmodernity to do some “psycho-analysis” on the evangelical church revealing why we are the way we are. And then as with all good psycho-analysis ¦ let us be freed to pursue being the church under the reign of Christ participating in His mission”
Ok … let’s practice some and see.