Divergent and convergent thinking
timely … and the the interplay between them is emergent thinking?
Bureaucracy a gift? The conversation in this post seems to model divergent and convergent thinking …
“Whether we like it or not, hierarchy and its sibling command & control, are here to stay. That doesn’t mean that networked organisations and self-organisation are not valuable additions, but they are just that. Additions, not the norm.”
“I think the evidence is showing that hierarchy may be here to stay as a way of irrigating and organization with resources, but command and control have long given way to networked action based on relationships and intimacy. It’s how anything actually gets done, especially in large organizations. Don’t believe me? It’s the principle behind “work to rule” slow downs. Command and control aren’t synonymous with hierarchy – one can organize a resource allocation hierarchically but use distributed leadership to get the work done.”
A Conversation with Brian McLaren [HT: Prodigal (Kiwi(s)]
I agree with what Alan says in his post … I hope Brian can make another trip to Malaysia some day. His last visit in March was very memorable to many of us. 🙂 Here’s a great Allelon video.
“That’s what I find Brian up to in his writing. I’ve never found him claiming to be a theologian or a Biblical scholar. He’s a Christian in love with Jesus, shaped by the Bible and committed to the historic faith of the church who is seeking to articulate the questions we’re facing as human beings and Christians in a massively changing world. I’ve never found Brian claiming he’s writing what some would call doctrine. He and I would differ on numerous points of theological framing but I’ve never assumed that Brian was trying to frame theological dogma for the church. He’s always trying to have a conversation with his culture through the real people with whom he’s in relationship. He is inviting us into those conversations – but that is what they are – conversations along a road and on a journey that is often strange and challenging. He may not agree with the comparison but in some ways Brian is like a Walker Percy prodding and probing to understand how the Gospel of the Kingdom, the great narrative of God’s purposes in history are lived out today.
In this interview I asked Brian why some Christians in the evangelical church seemed to be so harsh in their criticism of him. What struck me was the way this criticism was aimed at Brian personally rather than his ideas. I was trying to understand how brothers and sisters in Christ could be so deeply hurtful in personal attacks in the name of Christ. I was struck by the humility and patience of Brian’s replies and was glad to count him as a friend.”
Way to go Steve (or more precise Mike!) we need get some perspective and priorities re-odered. I love the last line.
“Why [are] many of us are more excited about the controversy surrounding the new book [Everything Must Change] than the actual contents? I’ll remind you that the subtitle is Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope. Just to clarify, Mark Driscoll is not a global crisis!”
I think after all is said and done .. we must change …we have so many priorities messed up.