Wow! how time flies … I used to teach this guy Sherman how to play guitar when he was a teenager. I never imagined I would be actually conducting his wedding last Saturday :-) For what I read on his blog …. Delayed Divulgence it was a pretty good time!
I came back tonight amazed by who I’ve gotten to know, and where I’ve been thus far in my adventures in life. The two spiritual direction group meetings yesterday and tonight had been excellent in terms of openness, sharing, honesty and a sense of being present to one another. Now, in the midst of all that, I can “feel” the presence of God amongst us. The gift of his presence which surpasses our understanding.
There’s is anticipation of what’s going to happen tomorrow. I appreciate the prayers offered for us and with us as May Chin and I get ready to go through a third round of child birth and continue a life time of parenting 🙂 I’m looking forward for some good food during her “confinement” (I mean nourishment time!). As for the sleep, well …. when has our lives been the same since baby no. 1.
There were some moments of silence tonight during our prayer time which I slowed down my breathing and centered a little bit. I was glad two other groups met in the church premises today. It allowed us to just keep in touch a little bit more.
I noticed some conversations we had around issues of freedom and rights and so forth. These are big concepts which can often send us off tangent in out reflections. And yet, while talking about them we need to keep plugging into the experiential dimension so as to keep abstract detaches views in check and focus on the concrete.
The silence now is precious especially after hearing a few rounds of fireworks.
I’m pondering about the different influences we have in our life journey and faith development. I’m also re-understanding better I believe how to negotiate the conflicts which may arise due to differing emphasis. And yet, it might be easier to simply dismiss our past or ignore what’s before us. But, we can’t because it’s part of each person’s narrative.
I’m glad postponed the council meeting tomorrow. I think we all needed the rest. And I needed the focus!
You are Sherman’s pastor? What a small world!