WHEN WE ADMIT our weaknesses …, we discover one of the greatest secrets of the spiritual journey — that in our weakness lies our strength. This is one of the most powerful spiritual truths that we will ever discover. Rather than rejecting us because of our weaknesses, it opens the door for God to come alongside us and help us overcome what had previously defeated us. God’s strength can lead us beyond our weakness and enable us to grow spiritually strong.
– Trevor Hudson
One Day at a Time: Discovering the Freedom of 12-Step Spirituality
(via Upper Room Daily Reflections)
I remember hearing something similar from my senior in seminary during my first year 🙂 Words of wisdom which has been ingrained in me for a long time. There’s always a lot of talk about how to deal with our weakness (usually meaning how to overcome it) or focus on our strengths. But before we even head towards that, I think we need to take a step back and have a fresh look at what is really going on here. How is God knocking on our doors especially in times of weakness as well as when our weaknesses become more visible under pressure or failure?
It’s tempting to slip into some self-bashing mode which is never helpful. Then another reaction is damaging when we turn on the magnifying glasses looking for someone to blame. I guess either way, we see that we need to be responsible as well as acknowledge the responsibility of others. But what we really need beyond getting trapped and immobilized from "growing as a person" or "moving on in life" is a redemptive mode of existence and living. Redemptive …. I like that word .. I love what it signifies … and the action in which it points to.
Um maybe I’m doing really well then…
I have been getting very frustrated with my brokenness.
I am a bit slow to learn, so hope moving forward will come with time.