Ewan who’s now almost 7 months old does it when we ask him in Mandarin, "Pai, Pai Shou!" 🙂
He’s got two lower front teeth now, and a cool delightful smile. There is a quite a temper when he doesn’t get his way. He very persistent too. I still find it intriguing that he seems to know when I’m taking pictures of him, and then he will move his head and eyes to get in focus. Quite a natural when it comes to photo shoots huh?
As the family has grown now with 3 children, sometimes I wonder how do we cope energy wise, especially for May Chin who is still working half a day. When we only had Gareth and Elysia, each of us could handle one when the demands were at it’s peak. Nowadays, it’s overwhelming when ALL three want either one of us at one go. Imagine if all want mummy? Of course, that would be an exception.
Elysia tends to want Papa, or at least is willing to opt for him (I mean me!). She is very cheeky and strong-willed. She will slip into negotiation mode when we don’t allow her to get her way. Sometimes, she can be pretty stubborn in times of conflict especially with tender hearted Gareth. It’s funny how our kids turn out day by day. Each unique with their personalities and leanings. Elysia is very independent. True to the date that she was born, which is international woman’s day! 🙂
Of course, Big brother Gareth is growing fast as well. He’s no longer the "cute" one compared to the younger siblings. But he’s evolving into a different role now. Sometimes, I wonder whether he misses being the "baby" of the house. He’s very protective of his younger brother, and his relationship with Ewan brings out the more "caring" side from him. It’s nice to see him cuddle his brother, tell him stories or sing to him.
Three kids … wow, such a headache (sometimes! I’m being honest here) But all in all true gifts from God! 🙂 For that I too clap my hands in joy and gratitude …