During times like this, we are tempted to use many words to present our feelings, arguments and suggestions. There was much already said and repeated with much vigor and clarity which does not need repeating. Media Rakyat’s post Forum: Abolish ISA has three clips.
Standing Ovation for RPK and Marina Lee from Second Thoughts on Vimeo.
For me, one moment stood our during the Abolish ISA Forum on 23 September 2008 . I struggled to hold back my tears when everyone in the hall gave a standing ovation when Raja Petra’s wife Marina Lee stepped on to the stage.
Heart to Heart from Marina Lee from Second Thoughts on Vimeo.
Later as she shared heart to heart with the attentive audience what is on her mind, it was hard to remain numb and unmoved. The call to re-look at our humanity first, rather than the rhetoric of national security, shouts right in front of us through the feeble and yet firm voice of those who are left behind. The reaction from the crowd was loud and clear.
I received an email last night reminding me of the words of the courageous Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) who is attributed for penning the poem "First they came…". As we consider the various actions each of us may choose to take and converge for truth, justice, peace and healing in days to come, Pastor Martin’s words strongly impress upon us apathy can no longer be an option.