I’m slowly settling down after quite an eventful evening last night. It’s good to be with family right now. More precisely, the dynamic duo Gareth and Elysia. Ewan is asleep. Synergizing with the surge of blog activity here, the Micah Mandate also tried to chip in. A more reflective mode usually settles in after the…
Day: November 10, 2008
“NegaraKu”: PJ Anti-ISA Candlelight Vigil and BERSIH one year Anniversary Part 3
I’m still wondering why there is so little news coming out from so called alternative media like the Malaysian Insider on what happened last night . . . Malaysiakini conveys the views from the police here: Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar has denied that the police moved in on participants at a candle-light vigil…
“NegaraKu”: PJ Anti-ISA Candlelight Vigil and Bersih One Year Anniversary Part 2
The problem with Malaysian mainstream media like this report from the Star is the selective reading and interpretation of events (some might even say spinning) which is utterly disappointing! (it makes one wonder whether they even had a journalist there as a eyewitness of the events. My comments in RED! (This might be a little…
“NegaraKu”: PJ Anti-ISA Candlelight Vigil and BERSIH One year Anniversary Part 1
I thought Sunday evening would end with a celebrative and a sober mood in the light of the release of RPK and the cause of abolishing the ISA, and remembering the unforgettable demonstration of the people’s voice in last year’s BERSIH walk . “NegaraKu” at Amcorp Mall from Second Thoughts on Vimeo. The first “original”…