If you see me wearing a U2 T-shirt, that means you know what happened.
Day: March 5, 2009
Random Thoughts after coffee and three slices of toast bread and cheese.
Trying out this new Polaroid Picture plug-in for my Windows Live Writer is fun. A few days ago a friend of mine had two words on her mind she really wanted to say to a particular Government ministry. I know every well just like me, it’s hard to utter such strong and yet sharp words…
Micah Midnight: Forum, Apocalypse, 1989, the Perak Raintree
The Micah Mandate will be co-organizing it’s first forum with Friends in Conversation and RoH Malaysia this coming Saturday, March 7, 2009, 2.30pm at Bangsar Lutheran Church. In short, we are more than a website, that’s only the tip of the iceberg! This convergence and cooperation is a good thing Trials And Temptations The noun…