God Makes Surprise Visit To Local Church
Oh my Lord .
Sacred&Profane: From Bono to the Jedi Police-Who Needs God? (HT: Morehead’s Musings)
I’m heading to the Malaysian Lutheran Jedi Council in about 15 minutes! of course, that’s another story for some other day!
Let Beauty Awake Acts 10.34-43; John 20.1-18
Living in God’s Future – Now! Romans 6.1-11; Mark 16.1-8
Easter sermons for N.T. Wright fans.
. . . the Easter message generates two other things which are quite new. Yes, we must live our lives from the coming future – but we now know much more clearly what that coming future is, and that gives particular point and direction to the people we are to choose to become, to the habits we are to choose to develop. And yes, forming habits of character is vital, even though it’s difficult, but for the Christian the all-important difference is that we don’t do it alone. We don’t develop these habits all by ourselves. We do it, basically, with the help and energy of God’s spirit; and we do it in company, all of us together. After all, the most basic Christian habit is love, and you can’t do love all by yourself.
Why I Got Arrested on Good Friday
I’m looking for Malaysian Christians who would do stuff like this!
The morning started with a slow meditative reading of the passion narrative from the gospel. We sat still, praying that we would have the courage to follow the way of the cross in a world of the sword.
Then, as many Christians do throughout the world, we spent Good Friday remembering the “stations of the cross,” the various stages of Christ’s execution.
But we didn’t keep things inside the walls of cathedrals – we took to the streets. At one gathering, hundreds of us gathered outside Colosimo’s Gun Shop, one of the most notorious gun stores in the country for selling weapons later traced to violent crimes. On the makeshift stage outside the gun shop, alongside a Pentecostal dance team and a host of collared clergy from all sorts of denominations, there was a giant gun about the size of a small car, and a cross, and a coffin.
Post-Modern Progressives, or Liberalism Ain’t What It Used To Be
I need to read Diana again. “post-modern, post-partisan, neo-pragmatic progressive pilgrim.” That’s a mouthful. How would I describe myself if I’d play around with some labels? How about you?