Don’t take this personally .. Imaginary Inquisition (I mean Interview)
Interviewer: "what is your theological position"?
Crazy Maker: … changing?
Interviewer: are you orthodox?
Crazy Maker: Not eastern
Interviewer: are you a heretic?
Crazy Maker: yes as far as Vipers are concerned! (HT: John the Baptist)
Interviewer: so you are emergent?
Crazy Maker: hmmm …. in relation to science, philosophy, theology or ecclesiology?
Interviewer: So why aren’t you answering the question directly? Make your yes … yes … no … no. if not it’s from the …
Crazy Maker: The Kingdom of God is like …
Interviewer: (pause)
Crazy Maker: Let me ask the question back … to you the interviewer
what is your economic position?
are you a pure capitalist?
so you are a communist?
I mean socialist?
Interviewer: (puzzled look)
me: okay…. are you making poverty history?
Interviewer: I’m talking about the matters of God here!
me: No …. ?
Interviewer:not about economics
Crazy Maker: okay …
go and sell all your wealth, give it to the poor (at least a substantial amount) and then come back and talk to me
The crazy maker is so daringly prophetic!
Might be an idea actually – going on a polite offensive rather than always having to explain your position.
I think I would rather be called “emerging” than emergent as in all honestly there are many areas where I do not really know my position as yet – still emerging or trying to emerge from the muddy swirl of confusion and conflict