A quick scan through some blogs and I’m glad to hear more than “A little encouragement” for this simple and yet significant call for action!
The idea is very simple. Whether we are Muslims or not, Malaysians are encouraged to show solidarity with other Malaysians and go through the common experience of a fast so that it can strengthen and unite us. ~ The Middle Ground
. This initiative is the best piece of news in recent months. Let’s all support it!
. This is a good intiative and I strongly support for it. Rather than debating and striving for a different cause we should fighthing for a common reason. I,m sure every sensible and patriotic ppl will support this move. Besides fasting is very beneficial to body and soul.
~ Comments from RantingsbyMM
Whenever I turn to the news from Malaysia I just can’t help but sense that the whole nation is so overwhelmed by disturbing events one after another.
I’m so glad that there is a call for a time of fasting for our beloved nation on the 16th Sept 2009. It is indeed a great privilege to take part in “Fast for the Nation, Peace for Malaysia“
Pada 16 Sept jatuh Hari Malaysia (Malaysia Day). Pada tahun ini kita akan menyambut Hari Malaysia yang ke-46. Sebagai salah satu cara untuk mempromosikan keamanan dan keharmonian, sambutan Hari Malaysia tahun ini akan dilakukan dengan berpuasa. Berpuasa ini akan dilakukan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia yang berminat untuk turut serta (tidak kira agama atau bangsa).
Semoga Malaysia kekal aman, makmur dan terus maju. ~ Voice My Right
My friend Sivin Kit is part of an important initiative in his homeland, Malaysia. You can read about it here. Blessed are the peacemakers! ~ Brian McLaren
我们每一个人只是一滴水,但是汇集在一起,我们是河流。 ~ Inbetweenconfusion
I was in a press conference this morning where a group of individuals led by Rev Sivin Kit got together and do something special this Hari Malaysia September 16th, 2009.
The idea is to fast for peace together regardless of our race, religion, background or where we come from. Coincidentally, we at Zubedy is organizing our yearly Hari Malaysia celebration with a similar theme. ~ Anas Zubedy