The whistling addition wasn’t great but it was fun. I wonder who did it? Anyway, Christmas for BLC has always been a mix of being “out there” and appreciating time “with family and friends”.
Gone were the days of “over-extending” ourselves with preparations for massive productions. The simplicity of Christmas often has been overcrowded with activity and loads of extra frills. It’s been nice to go back to the basics, the basics are beautiful.
so nostalgic to see this clip and can hardly believe time has moved so quickly since then, wish we could have you all for another round here in MLB
You’re funny! I’m enjoying your clips of late, like the driving one. Thinking of you lots as the season of change is nigh….
DB, I saw a load of white hair at the sides today. I’m aging quickly LOL 🙂 You never know, I might just show up in Australia soon!
Sigrun, more videos coming. If possible I will post one daily!