I’m getting a hang of using wordpress after using movabletype since the day this blog was born … wow in 2002! Look at the archives. Spending with Phil Baker and Mike Fonner was an absolute joy. They are very much more our seniors in terms of ministry and life experience. And yet the posture they…
Author: admin
I’m back
I’m back blogging with new skin for this current “Garden” blog where’s it’s mostly initial thouhgts and another new blog … S e c o n d T h o u g h t s ? ! for the thoughts that have gone through a little more revision.
Random Thoughts After Wake No.4
I listened carefully and with much openness when the husband shared his heart about his dear wife who lay peacefully in the coffin. She had been a strong lady, faithful in all her ways … right to the final days. It was hard for me to contain myself (but I tried) – what does it…
Random Thoughts on Thursday night
Tomorrow will be memorial no. 4 this past month. That one visit, the conversations with had, the song we sang and the time of prayer is forever ingrained in my memory. How can I process all the sequence of events which I have walked through? There are times when the questions are in the “macro”…
Not a Chance Event
“The cross of Christ was not an inexplicable or chance event, which happened to strike him, like illness or accident. To accept the cross as his destiny, to move toward it and even to provoke it, when he could well have done otherwise, was Jesus’ constantly reiterated free choice; and he warns his disciples lest…
Random Thoughts after Wan Tan Mee
There are time when a good plate of Wan Tan Mee with Char Siew is heavenly … I just had one of those times a while ago … this 50days Easter season is kicking of with a glorious start in the food department. Managed to join two LiFe Groups in a row in a way…
Random Links 144
Ten propositions on being a theologian Let me pick one for meditation: “1. Actually, there is no such thing as a theologian, anymore than there is such a thing as a Christian. Theologians are not solitary creatures. Theology is the outcome of good conversation, the conversation of friends. Though – the rabies theologorum – you…
Random Thoughts Overload
Here’s a comment I left on another blog … “There’s a need to distinguish “intellectual masturbation” which lands up with no real life emerging to “genuine faith engaging with understanding” which gives birth to a healthier faith (mindless ranting about the church reflects more about our hang ups rather than real intellectual engagement at its…
Random (Easter) Links 143
Face to faith (HT: Si Johnston) Bishop Tom Wright always has a way to grab your attention … “When Easter stops being a surprise, it stops being Easter. … “ The Season of Easter This will raise some eyebrows and provide food for thought in terms of “contextualization” …“Easter is an English word derives from…
Random Thoughts after Easter Sunday
I’m glad I survived my “translation” assignment for my Bishop during the special thanksgiving church dedication and anniversary celebration at Sunway Lutheran congregation. Sometimes I felt my mind went blank or at least I wasn’t as sharp as I should me. The vocabs were getting jumbled up, I landed up doing some level of paraphrasing…