I have moved to Sivin Kit’s Adventures for my refreshed approach to blogging. What’s different this time is that I will experiment for a season, which I started with Here I Write, I Can Do No Other – Sivin Kit’s Adventures (substack.com) Sivin Kit’s Garden 2.0 will be using Medium while I maintain this blog,…
Author: Sivin Kit
Moved to Medium
Finally, I’ve decided to make the move — to Medium. This garden will remain here as an archive. For new writing, welcome to … sivinkit.medium.com The following three entry titles convey how I will jump-start my ‘public’ writing again: Mic test 1–2–3 … again — Yes, I’ve tried a few times. Hope this round will…
The End | The Beginning
Dear visitors and friends, This garden (blog) has been a wonderful experience for me. After being less active on it the last three years, I wondered whether I might return to blog again. It seems that the kind of blogging that got me started will end with this last post. However, this doesn’t mean that…
I Will be Back …
I am reconfiguring my online presence. So, I will be back but not yet. Posted with Blogsy
It’s Been a While …
Posted with Blogsy
GE13 Malaysia: Who to Vote for? (A Christian Contribution)
Two Years
Two years ago, one of my PhD supervisors David Herbert picked me up from Kristiansand International Airport, and my adventures in Norway received a warm welcome. It was snow white then just like today. When I look out of the window now, low and behold, the exponentially increasing flurries dance at the rhythm of the…
If Racism is defined as “hatred or intolerance of another race or other races”, then we should define Religionism as “hatred or intolerance of another religion or other religions”. Perhaps, the above helps us see clearer more than a narrow focus on religious zeal, jumbled up by descriptions such as “excessive and exaggerated” or “affected…
After the smoke subsided, I listened attentively as two men spoke into my small Canon A70 away from the big mass media cameras. How could I not dig back looking for the traces which lead us to some ashes? The project, however, required new instruments from old sages, so I could attend the fragments of…
‘Recomposing’ Myself
I like music. Good music relaxes, inspires, energizes and occasionally touches me. Lately, a range of musical images and sounds as metaphors keep hovering over my head. Somehow, they open up fresh ways for me to think, and reorder my reflections. 'Recomposing': Perhaps, I am working on this again and again… Posted with Blogsy