I think I’ll recuperate fast enough for tomorrow’s session together … Join me if you are free or interested. The study guide we are using can be found here. When: 11 July, 2007 Wednesday 8pm Where: Bangsar Lutheran Church Premises What: Salvation is God’s way of calling us and the whole world forward toward the…
Category: Gracious Christianity
Human Nature
Before we continue with the next session Hearing God’s Voice, let’s re-look at the people who will be and should be doing the listening 🙂 “Our special status as bearer’s of God’s image brings special responsibilities. In particular, we are called to use our gifts and talents in the service of God, in helping others,…
Conversations on Hearing God’s Voice (Gracious Christianity series)
I’ll be continuing to facilitate our sessions together based on Gracious Christianity. “Hearing God’s voice” will be coming up next 🙂 Feel free to join me in the conversation. When: June 27, 2007 Wednesday 8pm Where: Bangsar Lutheran Church Premises What: “God is speaking all the time, but we are often too preoccupied to…
God and Creation
We will be having our next Conversations on Human Nature this wednesday at 8pm. But before that some quotes from the last session to recap a little. I’ve included some quick reflections. “It is not simply creation that astounds us but the Creator behind the creation.” (p. 27) One of the reasons I love the…
What is Gracious Christianity? (3)
Wow … not bad .. I’m persisting until a part 3 for what is an ongoing series. That should be an improvement. 🙂 Of course, I’m learning to live in the future in some ways as when this post will be published on the blog, I’m actually probably not going to be in a place…
What is Gracious Christianity? (2)
One of the challenges I confess as the pastor or chief sinner of the church I pastor is how we can facilitate a meaningful conversation on topics which matter between those who are more exposed to Christianity and those who are less. Some can spout words like Dispensationalism with ease while others might wonder what’s…
What is Gracious Christianity? (1)
I think we’ve started a good rhythm meeting on every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month using Gracious Christianity as our guide in terms of orientating our conversations and daily praxis. I realize that I’ve been slow to post my thoughts and reflections on what we have talked about and the experience of doing…
Gracious Christianity – Preface
We’ve started using this book and it’s study guide for our “new” learning circle which “emerged” on Wednesday. I think it’s important if we’re already talking about “A Generous Orthodoxy” a parallel move must be on what “A Gracious Christianity” looks like. I’m quite encouraged by all those who came for our first orientation session:…