Kingdom 2010: Focus on Prezi We’re walking through the Gospel of Luke as our primary text for Sunday messages at Bangsar Lutheran Church. Like previous Prezies, what you get is the main images and even videos but the content is more than that 🙂 Enjoy anyway.
Category: Prezi
Trinity Sunday 2010
Trinity Sunday 2010 on Prezi My feeble attempt to connect the mundane and the mess of our lives to the mystery of the Triune God. Of course, all my Prezies will only make more sense live 🙂 But one can still catch a glimpse of the overall flow of the message.
Easter 1: Resurrection Witness
Easter 1: Resurrection Witness on Prezi Thanks Sophia for giving me the nudge to post of my Prezies up online. For those who are new to this. Since, getting used to Prezi, I no longer use Microsoft’s powerpoint for most of my preaching and speaking. For my case, the Prezies are meant to support my…
Easter 2010: Surprised by God
Easter 2010: Surprised by God on Prezi
Advent Joy
How often does one have a chance to share a message based on the book of prophet Zephaniah? 🙂 Well, I found it very helpful for myself to stick with the text last Sunday. Here’s my Prezi
Advent Peace
Here’s my sermon Prezi which for some reason I had to use LIVE online because my notebook is acting strange again!
Advent Hope
Lass week’s Sermon Prezi. 🙂 Pangkor Island is hot. But dinner was awesome at Ye Lin’s!