Category: RoH Malaysia
“Hidden Cameras” Forum Clips & Notes III
“Hidden Cameras” Forum: Andrew Khoo Malaysian Bar Council Human Rights Committee from Second Thoughts on Vimeo. In recent times, the lawyers are often seen as the new “clergy” of every day life. What would life be without them? At our recent forum, Andrew Khoo, lawyer and great personal friend helped to bring about a greater…
“Hidden Cameras” Forum Clips and Notes II
“Hidden Cameras” Forum: Dr Sharon Bong Senior Lecturer in Gender and Creative Writing, Monash University from Second Thoughts on Vimeo. The Edge Malaysia featured the Forum in their piece, When the private becomes public, today. This is how Melody Song the writer draws readers to consider the matter at hand. It would be easy to…
“Hidden Cameras” Forum Clips and Notes I
“Hidden Camera” Forum: Masjaliza Hamzah Programme Manager, Sisters-In-Islam from Second Thoughts on Vimeo. While we did not have a big crowd, but the quality of the speakers and interaction was superb. There was a sense that we just got started with more questions and angles to approach the subject matter. But I suppose that is…
HIDDEN CAMERAS: THE POLITICS OF GENDER AND PUBLIC MORALITY 7 March 2009, Saturday 2.30pm (Publicity Flyers)
Thanks Kevin Thomas for excellent touches at the last minute.
The revelations regarding the private affairs of Selangor Exco Elizabeth Wong and the ugly manner in which it has been hijacked by some parts of the media and political parties have raised many questions. For example: "Was it right for her to be shamed in this manner?" "Would it be different if this happened to…
Good News that’s Liberating for Malaysia?
It was good for Friends in Conversation to slowly reemerge again. This time with INTR.Asia Father Jojo Fung and I felt led after the last RoH Malaysia event to organize a mini-follow-up conversation. The main goal was for us to engage in conversation on the relevance of themes and models brought up by theologies of…
Malaysian Politics & A New Kind of Humanity
To be fair to Alwyn he did post first but it was focused on his own presentation and the feedback from it . Read on. * * * It was, from the start, unlikely that many would find the below presentation totally agreeable, but I appreciate the feedback nevertheless (from ROH Merdeka 2008 participants and…
Report on Merdeka 2008: A Restoration of Hope
This time Sherman Kuek beat Alwyn Lau in terms of giving a quick overview. Since it’s out here, let me repost it for regulars to my garden π I hope to give my reflections on the event later. * * * The people of Malaysia – a country fraught with its unique struggles amidst the…
Countdown to Merdeka 2008: Restoration of Hope!
Its on folks, and we welcome more to join us read on! On October 10 – 11, a group of friends and fellow pilgrims on the journey have decided to bring our minds and hearts into a common focus. You are invited to join us along the way. Spend 1 ½ days with a…