After the smoke subsided, I listened attentively as two men spoke into my small Canon A70 away from the big mass media cameras. How could I not dig back looking for the traces which lead us to some ashes? The project, however, required new instruments from old sages, so I could attend the fragments of…
Category: Theology
Revisiting is Good Practice
Revisiting is good practice because so often I miss the treasures when I'm in a hurry. Last night, I revisited Luther and reason; and both surprised me. This morning, a detour to think about research programmes helped to refine the way I look at my work. The last one week, it was good to return…
Blessed Reformation Day
Janice Long Presents – Smoke Feathers – Liberation Theology (Scandinavian Kitchen Sessions)
Philosophy & Theology Soccer combo
I’ve watched this so many times and still enjoy it. Perhaps with greater appreciation now!
Revisiting ‘Dance’
After reading this, I realize perhaps this is why I love this video so much (even if I can’t dance properly at all) 🙂 "The dance of culture, the enthusiasm, the banquet, the community . . . because by dancing, I am telling everyone that I live, but differently from the stone in the road,…
40: How He Loves Us
Random Utterances 7
“Theology is a language used by a specific group of people to make sense of their world.” – Rowan Williams, On Christian Theology “Theology . . . is a particular type of rhetorical art.” – Mark Wallace, Fragments of the Spirit “Across the broad spectrum of different academic settings and different cultures, across the even…
Random thoughts while having nice orange juice
The Kit kids had a lovely Saturday morning cartoon, thanks to Mummy! I cycled to town returned a DVD, and did some necessary grocery shopping. The trip back was a bit of a work out, but I guess that’s the kind of exercise I’m getting these days. 🙂 The last couple of weeks has been…