It’s all my assistant’s fault (hehehe). I played for the first time an online game (a Hulk smash up game!) at the Hulk Website (what a website! Some of the details are staggering not just in style but also substance!) – WOW! Anyway, the smashing buildings bit and thumping cars as well as cracking the street was quite therapeutic actually 🙂 I can still remember my assistant laughing at her pastor.
I smashed up some of my fear too today! When i took the Light Rail Transit (LRT) from Asia Jaya to Bangsar and with one more station to go. There was a tug in me to ask the stranger standing next to me the “4 Question Survey”. I did it with email, how about LIVE – the challenge went. Fear … discomfort … rationalizing … Tony Compolo (in the Elevator – my church members will understand why this bit came!) … blood gushing … the whole works. Ahhh ….
“Excuse me! Can ask I you 4 questions … no strings attached”,
He turned around puzzled (maybe not knowing how to respond) and said, “ok!”
Alright .. he didn’t know what is a Gospel, not even a book in the Bible.
Dunno Apostle Paul
Dunno what’s “born again”
and no close friend has told him they are “born again”.
“Thanks …” Phew! … hey, I FEEL GOOD .. I SMASHED UP my own inhibitations & fear. COOL …
“By the way, I didn’t get your name (sorry)?”,
He said, “Chew”, “My name is SIVIN” I replied.
There was a another puzzled look.
“SIVIN … S-I-V-I-N, thanks again.”, I smiled.
Prayed for CHEW when I came down the Escalator. Prayed for My Courage Quotient. And Gave Thanks to The ALMIGHTY …