well, this past week has been quite eventful. first, I was flat on my back sick with flu-fever & coughing. Then Gareth propably caught it from me and had a serious run with the same stuff combined with vomiting (because babies don’t know how to cough their phelgm). May Chin played a dual mother role here .. one to Gareth naturally, then big baby me as well. It’a amazing how she managed.
By Friday morning, my fever was still there at about 38.1 degrees celsius. Thankfully, Dr. Lam gave Gareth medication to relieve him a little. I found out his fever shot up to 40 degrees celsius yesterday. Lord have mercy! Thankfully, he’s doing better now and getting back to normal.
I arrived safely at Peace Haven, genting for HELP’s CF camp. God is gracious indeed. Somehow, my temperature was getting back to normal (I think the cool weather and clearer air helped too). And then I managed to do a session last night, a two part session this morning and head back after lunch. All in all, I believe a fruitful time of ministry and sharing. It was good to talk with a number of HELP CFers personally and get a pulse of what’s running in the minds of some college youth today. I’m glad tomorrow’s last session will be taken by the CF president himself and apparently what the Lord laied upon his heart to share is along the lines of some of my concluding statements today. Obviously, the great event-designer himself the Holy Spirit has ideas up his sleeve how he wants to lead his people. I’m glad to have a part to play.
It was also wonderful to spend sometime with Michael Foong and Peik Khin (two old friends defined as adults with me at the camp) and to witness how they’ve grown as people and as Christians. That was a unexpected bonus which a gracious God always gives his kids … especially those recovering a weak physical state. I was humbled indeed by how weak one can be and how God’s Grace is sufficient for strong times as well as weak ones too.
hey ps. sivin, the msg today was good, not utmostly superb or powerful, but i believe the msg was sent across to the cfers.. praise God! will let you know more in due time…
Didn’t have a chance to say or even post this during camp and after camp but now that I can… Pastor, your message was impacting and it changed my point of view about different things in my life. I managed to be a good friend to others but I’ve never thought of getting a mentor to improve myself or even becoming someone else’s mentor. Thanks… I do hope to meet you soon again at Cf…