In a time when mainline churches (e.g. Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc) seems to be more sidelined. It’s people like Keller seems to be a light of hope for us to get back into the frontline of God’s Kingdom work.
I’m listening right now Presbyterian Pastoral Leadership Network in Nashville
Plenary Session on renewal and outreach from DJ Chuang’s excellent link with loads of stuff to reflect and act upon. It’s great to have people like Keller who’s charting new paths! And the best is he’s doing it with humor! I appreciate his openly Reformed heritage with a open attitude!
He deals excellently with practical stuff here (peppering the talk with great historical resources!) on “How do we, as a denomination, do renewal and outreach in the emerging post-everything United States culture? (“Post-everything” people are those who are now in their teens and twenties – and they are our future.)